Over 30 years of service for our customers
We were founded in 1986 by Walter Bahr in Ahaus, Westphalia and are a successful medium-sized company with 35 competent employees. We are a professional wholesaler and exporter of high-quality new and used machines, tools and other industrial supplies and have a floor space of 5,800 square meters. Our comprehensive customer service completes our range of services.
The key to our success is our competent staff who set great store by honest and fair business dealings, high-quality goods and services, and using the latest software and technology. The result is our large number of satisfied customers, a extensive business network and large sales volume. We are very proud of our achievements.
An important hallmark of the quality of our business activities is our long-term membership of NORDWEST Handel AG (NW - trade association). We benefit from this partnership of the most successful German retail companies in our industry.
We are driven by our vision. It is our mission to offer optimal solutions for the needs of our customers in the long-term, achieve profitable and sustainable growth and be an attractive employer so that we retain valuable staff for as long as possible.